投稿者: 管理人

The sound of gentle rain lulls me into relaxation, wrapping me in a comforting embrace. (穏やかな雨の音が私をリラックスさせ、安心感 […]
The new regulations impinge on individuals’ freedom, as they limit the number of guests allowed at priva […]
The pandemic had a significant impact on the global economy, but as vaccination rates increase and restriction […]
I have developed an infatuation for painting landscapes. It has become my way of finding recuperative solace a […]
My friend has a latent talent for banter. (私の友人はひやかしの潜在的な才能を持っています。) latent: 潜在的な banter: 冗談、ひやかし
He was released on his own recognizance due to his clean criminal record. (彼は前歴のないため、誓約保証金を支払わずに釈放された。) She re […]
I walked into the bar, filled with trepidation. As I ordered my drink, a brawl broke out at the other end of t […]
My neighbor’s dilapidated house is a great concern for the community. The rabid state of the property is […]
I could feel a palpable sense of trepidation in the air as the students prepared to take their final exams. (生 […]
I exult in my recent promotion, without any recrimination from my colleagues. (私は最近の昇進に大喜びしていますが、同僚からの非難は一切ありま […]