I came up with an ingenious solution to solve the problem, which is both simple and practical. (私は問題を解決するために巧妙 […]
I extol the benefits of reading books, but it would be a mistake to believe that reading alone can guarantee s […]
I ingrained the importance of hard work in my children from an early age to ensure they don’t become ind […]
The company’s financial debacle led to an insurgency among disgruntled employees. (会社の財務の破綻が不満を抱えた従業員の反乱 […]
I implore you to have at least a modicum of spare change. (私はあなたにお願いしております、少しでもおつりを持っていてください。) modicum: 少量 imp […]
I earn a pittance at my part-time job, and it feels like I am working just to keep up with my expenses. Someti […]
The ingenious design of this new gadget ensures the integrity of the data it processes. (この新しいガジェットの巧妙なデザインは、そ […]
The propitious weather allowed us to remove the shackles of the past and embark on a new journey. (都合のよい天気により、 […]
I have always had an affinity for writing, but I am cautious about avoiding plagiarism. (私は常に文章を書くことに親和性を感じてきま […]
A plebiscite will be held to determine the new constitution, with the government’s connivance. (政府の黙認のもと […]