カテゴリー: 未分類

The internet has become a precursor to numerous advancements in communication and information sharing. (インターネッ […]
I was granted a furlough after months of working in the squalid conditions. (私は数ヶ月間のみすぼらしい環境で働いた後、休暇を与えられました。) […]
She was haughty and had a hoard of designer handbags. (彼女はごう慢な態度を持ち、高級ブランドのハンドバッグをひそかに蓄えていた。) haughty: ごう慢な ho […]
It is mandatory to wear a seatbelt while driving a car; anyone caught without one will face fines or penalties […]
The concept of time is something that many people struggle to fully understand and grasp. It seems to elude ou […]
I need some time to ruminate on whether to accept the conferment of this prestigious award. (この名誉ある賞の授与を受け入れるか […]
The scorching heat of the summer can stifle the productivity of workers, but a veritable oasis in the form of […]
I was shocked to see how the politician’s actions transgressed the boundaries of ethics, tarnishing his […]
Using social media to spread false rumors about someone is considered libel and can severely damage their repu […]
He has a proclivity to transgress the speed limit. (彼は速度制限を犯す傾向がある。) transgress: (許容範囲)を超える、を犯す proclivity: 傾向