The meeting will adjourn until next week to allow time for further discussion on the proposed statute. (提案された法 […]
I need to rumble through my closet and find a new outfit for my stint as a guest speaker. (私はクローゼットをごそごそして、講演の […]
I couldn’t resist the urge to guzzle down a large soda after hiking through the desolation of the desert […]
She greeted me with a sprightly smile, as if she had transmuted her tiredness into enthusiasm. (彼女は活発な笑顔で私を迎えた […]
The police received a tip about a fugitive hiding in a squalid abandoned building. (警察は、みすぼらしい廃墟に逃亡者が潜んでいる情報を受 […]
I can’t stand officious people who vacillate on making decisions. (私は、意思決定に迷うおせっかいな人が大嫌いです。) officious: […]
Using a mobile banking app to check your account balance is an expedient way to stay on top of your finances. […]
The sleek design of this new smartphone sets it apart from the sea of platitude in the market. (この新しいスマートフォンのつ […]
Using security cameras as a deterrent can help prevent crime in public areas. (セキュリティカメラを抑止物として使用することは、公共の場所で犯 […]
I have a qualm about the derangement of my schedule. (私のスケジュールの乱れに対して、良心の呵責を感じています。) qualm: 良心の呵責、不安 derangeme […]