カテゴリー: 未分類

The governor showed clemency and granted parole to the prisoner who had served 20 years of his sentence. (州知事は […]
I am always wary of online shopping, but I was pleasantly surprised when I received a stupendous package full […]
A savant has the ability to mete out knowledge to others with clarity and precision. (著名な学者は、明確かつ正確に知識を他の人々に分け […]
I need to replenish my supplies before the trip. (旅行前に私は備品を補充する必要があります。) replenish: を補充する venal: 買収されやすい
The police made an inference based on the evidence and concluded that the suspect was an insurgent. (警察は、証拠に基づ […]
I have decided to waive my right to access the esoteric knowledge that is hidden in the ancient texts. (私は、古代の […]
The splinter in my finger was causing me a lot of pain, so I went to the local clinic to have it removed. The […]
I had to stifle my equivocal feelings about going on the blind date. (盲目のデートに行くことに対する自分のあいまいな気持ちを抑えなくてはならなかった。 […]
He mired himself in debt by spending beyond his means. (彼は暮らし向きの範囲を超えた支出によって借金に陥った。) I had to inflict punishme […]
The company metes out fair remuneration to its employees based on their performance. (企業は、従業員のパフォーマンスに基づいて公正な報 […]