カテゴリー: 未分類

The team manager had to update the roster due to a defection. (チームマネージャーは、離反があったために名簿を更新する必要がありました。) roster: 名 […]
I often hear people say that exercise is important for maintaining good health, but I believe that this statem […]
I received a peremptory email from my boss, instructing me to complete an inane task by the end of the day. (私 […]
I approach the challenge with trepidation, but my sense of duty enjoins me to take action. (恐怖を抱えながらも、私の義務感が私に […]
The government’s efforts to promote renewable energy have led to a resurgent interest in solar power amo […]
The concept of time is both a fugitive and a perennial. (時間という概念は、逃亡者であり、持続するものでもある。) fugitive: 逃亡者、脱走者 perenn […]
I need to find a job that pays well, but I also want a work environment that is pleasant and easygoing. Suffic […]
I am solicitous about finding an impregnable solution to protect our sensitive data. (私は、私たちの機密データを守るための堅固な解決策 […]
I decided to expostulate with my friend about his reckless behavior, but it was the culmination of his frustra […]
His boorish behavior at the dinner party was highly embarrassing. (彼の粗野な振る舞いは、パーティーで非常に恥ずかしかったです。) The mutable […]