カテゴリー: 未分類

I had a showdown with my boss today, but I managed to bungle my presentation. (今日、上司と対決したが、プレゼンをやりそこなってしまった。) […]
I implore you not to waver in your decision. (あなたにお願いします、迷うことなく決断してください。) implore: に懇願する waver: 揺れる、動揺する
I strive to exalt myself by overcoming challenges and subsist through hard work. (私は、挑戦に立ち向かい、高めることで自己を高め、努力を通 […]
I was very timorous about public speaking, but I didn’t let my fear impede my career growth. (私はパブリックスピー […]
She has an irascible temperament, easily getting angry at small things. However, her anger is evanescent and d […]
The government has made an appropriation of funds for infrastructure improvements in order to address the rumb […]
I strive to maintain an immaculate home, cleaning and organizing each room diligently. However, when I acciden […]
It is often difficult to predict the outcome of a situation, but based on the information we have, I can surmi […]
I have a presentiment that they will revoke their decision. (私は、彼らが彼らの決定を取り消す予感があります。) presentiment: (悪い)予感、虫の […]
His blithe attitude towards his pernicious habit of smoking is both concerning and frustrating. (彼の喫煙という有害な習慣に […]