The government plans to promulgate new regulations to promote recuperative activities. (政府は回復力のある活動を促進するため、新たな […]
I need to find a place to store all my old clothes. I have way too many and they are taking up too much space […]
I recently took a hiatus from work to focus on my mental health, and during that time, I discovered a new hobb […]
I am always amazed at how much inane information people can garner from the internet. (私はいつも驚くほど人々がインターネットから馬鹿 […]
I don’t like the way she always wears that tarnished old necklace; it makes her whole outfit look shabby […]
I vacillated for a long time before finally deciding to acquit him. (私は長い間揺れた後、彼を無罪とすることを決めました。) vacillate: 揺れ […]
His invective against the government fueled the insurgence among the public. (彼の政府に対する悪口は、一般市民の反乱心を煽った。) invec […]
I tend to become quite grouchy when I don’t get enough sleep, but I still try to wield a positive attitu […]
I received the approbation from my supervisor to rescind the previous decision. (私は上司から前の決定を無効にする許可を得ました。) app […]
I engaged in some light banter with my colleagues during the lunch break, but afterwards, I became pensive as […]