Unveil Linguistic Excellence: Your Next English Achievement Awaits!

The board members came together to establish a quorum and discuss the proposed changes to the company’s […]
I have always had an esoteric interest in ancient languages and their origins, but my detestation for learning […]
The new political party aims to supplant the incumbent party by appealing to a broader range of constituents. […]
I have been feeling estranged from my old friends since I moved to a new city. However, we still keep in touch […]
I have always had an affinity for cooking, and I am fortunate to have access to a profusion of fresh ingredien […]
I always try to maintain a blithe attitude, as it helps me transmute any obstacles into opportunities. (私は常に陽気 […]
I must clarify that the report purports to be a comprehensive analysis of the current market trends, but it ma […]
I feel snug in my room during the winter, even though I am going through puberty. (私は冬に自分の部屋で居心地が良いです。思春期に差し掛か […]
I have been working hard to garner knowledge and skills in my field. (私は自分の分野で知識やスキルを集めるために一生懸命働いてきました。) garne […]
He became irascible when he saw the defilement of his garden. (彼は庭の汚染を見て短気になった。) irascible: 短気な defilement: 冒と […]