Unveil Linguistic Excellence: Your Next English Achievement Awaits!

I decided to donate the money to a charity without any compunction. (私はためらいなく、お金を慈善団体に寄付することを決めました) The organi […]
I saw an effigy of the notorious criminal displayed in the town square, which served as a reminder of the cons […]
I have always received an abundance of adulation for my hard work, but my true joy lies in watching my progeny […]
He imbued his speech with passion, aiming to inspire his audience. (彼は情熱を込めて演説し、聴衆に感銘を与えようとした。) She kept butti […]
I found a cozy little cafe on the fringe of town where I enjoyed a delicious repast. (私は町のそばにある居心地の良い小さなカフェを見つ […]
I reached a point of complacency after recovering from my illness, but I soon realized that I needed to contin […]
I have a perennial affinity for gardening. (私は庭いじりに持続的な興味があります。) affinity: 相性、類似性 perennial: 持続する
I deeply apologize for my actions and have a strong sense of contrition. I understand the gravity of my mistak […]
I hope there will be a quorum at our meeting tomorrow as we need to discuss some urgent matters. I am solicito […]
I practice abstinence from foul language. (私は汚い言葉を使わないようにしています) abstinence: 禁欲、自制、禁酒 foul: を傷つける、よごす