投稿者: 管理人

I cannot relinquish my dreams because they define who I am and what I want to achieve. (自分が誰であり、何を達成したいのかを定義する […]
My new invention can detect counterfeit products and protect consumers and their progeny from potential harm. […]
I would like to deprecate the use of single-use plastic bags and adjourn the meeting until further research ca […]
I went to the store and bought sundry items. The sale was so good that it caused delirium among the shoppers. […]
The government is working to address the concerns of its constituents in a timely manner, but they are facing […]
The opinions of the constituents are germane to the decision-making process. (選挙民の意見は、意思決定プロセスに密接に関連しています。) co […]
“I need to aggregate the sales data from all the stores and then dilute it with the overall market data […]
I have been experiencing sporadic internet connection issues lately due to the rugged terrain in my area. (私は最 […]
I prefer the rustic charm of small towns to the hustle and bustle of big cities; it gives me a sense of tranqu […]
I bungled my attempt to cook dinner and ended up with a vapid and tasteless meal. (夕食の料理をやりそこない、結果的に味気のなくてつまらな […]