日: 2024年1月15日

I have been experiencing sporadic internet connection issues lately due to the rugged terrain in my area. (私は最 […]
I prefer the rustic charm of small towns to the hustle and bustle of big cities; it gives me a sense of tranqu […]
I bungled my attempt to cook dinner and ended up with a vapid and tasteless meal. (夕食の料理をやりそこない、結果的に味気のなくてつまらな […]
Please do not dawdle when making a decision as it may lead to an irrevocable outcome. (どうか決断する際にはぐずぐずしないでください。 […]
The recent increase in living expenses has been a nettle for many families, causing financial tribulation. (最近 […]
She is known to be reticent, but her works are a byword for creativity and innovation. (彼女は無口なことで知られていますが、彼女の作 […]