My ingenious solution for streamlining the production process will enervate the manual labor required, increas […]
The increase in armed security guards at the airport is a deterrent for potential criminals, but it also serve […]
I enjoy spending weekends in solitude, reading books and exploring the beauty of nature. (私は孤独の中で週末を過ごすことが好きで、 […]
I came up with a clever contrivance to solve the problem without transgressing the regulations. (問題を解決するために、規則 […]
I found a small, cozy café where I can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and escape the derision of the outside wor […]
He always conducted himself with rectitude, making fair and honest decisions in every situation. (彼は常に誠実に行動し、あ […]
I have come up with a clever contrivance to revoke any mistakenly sent email. (私は、誤って送信されたメールを取り消すための巧妙な計略を考案し […]
The company decided to depose its current CEO due to his failure to meet performance targets, and replace him […]
I am planning to take a brief hiatus from work to recharge my energy and focus on personal growth. During this […]
I extol the deportment of the customer service representative who went above and beyond to assist me with my i […]