I heard that there is a rabid dog in the neighborhood, so be careful when you go out. (近所に狂犬がいるらしいから、外出する時は気をつ […]
I will not waver in my determination to overcome any tribulation that comes my way. (私は、どんな苦難にも揺れずに克服する決意を持ち続け […]
I appreciate your temerity in taking on such a challenging project, but I feel the need to offer an admonition […]
I must reprove my colleague for his flagrant disregard of company policies. (私は同僚の会社の方針に対する目に余る無視をとがめなければならない。 […]
His mien was calm and composed, but the upshot of the meeting was that he would be laid off at the end of the […]
Despite appearances, his true intentions were ulterior. (見た目に反して、彼の本当の意図は表に出なかった。) The depletion of natural re […]
I would like to felicitate my colleague on his recent promotion. He is a hardworking and dedicated individual […]
I decry the company’s decision to cut employee benefits, as it is redolent of their disregard for their […]
Children go through puberty at different ages, but it typically occurs between the ages of 9 and 14. (子供たちは異なる […]
I am feeling a bit squeamish about my recent defection from the company. (私は最近、会社への離反について少しショックを受けている。) squeam […]