カテゴリー: 未分類

I could sense a haughty air about him during the meeting, but it all led up to a dramatic showdown when he cha […]
I will deliver a discourse on the importance of maintaining an optimistic outlook in life, as opposed to succu […]
I satiate my hunger with a hearty meal, without any compunction. (私は心地よい食事で空腹を満たし、何の良心の呵責もなく食べる。) satiate: 十分に […]
I could tell by the way she was dressed that her fancy hat was just an affectation. (彼女の格好からは分かった。彼女の派手な帽子はただの […]
The recent surge in outdoor activities has piqued a resurgent interest in camping among young people. (最近のアウトド […]
I believe that holding a plebiscite to gather the opinions of the people would be a benign way to make importa […]
I will provide a cogent argument to surmount the challenges we face. (私たちが直面する課題を克服するために、私は説得力のある議論を提供します。) co […]
The opinions and needs of every constituent should not be shrouded in secrecy. (選挙民の意見やニーズが秘密にされるべきではない。) cons […]
I have a natural affinity for cooking, but whenever I try to make a fancy dinner, it always turns into a chaot […]
I enjoy exploring topics that are considered to be on the fringe of mainstream society, but I do not appreciat […]