日: 2023年8月2日

I have a natural affinity for cooking, but whenever I try to make a fancy dinner, it always turns into a chaot […]
I enjoy exploring topics that are considered to be on the fringe of mainstream society, but I do not appreciat […]
The inception of a new project can pique our curiosity and motivation. (新しいプロジェクトの始まりは私たちの好奇心とモチベーションを刺激することがで […]
I have a compunction about plagiarism because it goes against my principles. (私は、剽窃に対して良心の呵責を感じます。それは私の原則に反するか […]
She was given a sinecure position at the company, but her officious nature led her to take on additional respo […]
He listened to the invective hurled at him with a stolid expression. (彼は無感動な表情で彼に投げかけられた悪口を聞いた。) stolid: 無感動な […]