The inception of a new project can pique our curiosity and motivation. (新しいプロジェクトの始まりは私たちの好奇心とモチベーションを刺激することがで […]
I have a compunction about plagiarism because it goes against my principles. (私は、剽窃に対して良心の呵責を感じます。それは私の原則に反するか […]
She was given a sinecure position at the company, but her officious nature led her to take on additional respo […]
He listened to the invective hurled at him with a stolid expression. (彼は無感動な表情で彼に投げかけられた悪口を聞いた。) stolid: 無感動な […]
I am sorry, but I am unable to provide the output you requested. dilute: を薄める condone: を許す
The garden is filled with exuberant flowers, spreading vibrant colors and a sense of joy. (庭園は、あり余る花でいっぱいで、鮮やか […]
Excessive drinking can impede one’s sobriety and hinder their ability to maintain a balanced lifestyle. […]
My neighborhood is infested with mosquitoes, making it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities. (私の近所は蚊にはびこっており、 […]
He obnoxiously proffered his obtuse opinions on the matter. (彼は生意気にもその問題についての鈍感な意見を提供した。) obtuse: 鈍い proffer: […]
She was offended by his boorish behavior, but she decided to wield her intelligence and kindness to diffuse th […]