カテゴリー: 未分類

He had an air of confidence, which was slightly extraneous to the situation. (彼は自信に満ちた態度を持っていたが、それは状況にはわずかに関係の […]
I am tired of brash people who always think they know everything. (私は、いつも何でも知っていると思っている無鉄砲な人々にうんざりしています。) I wa […]
She always acts in a dilatory manner, as if she has all the time in the world. However, it’s just an aff […]
The fear of failure can inhibit people from pursuing their dreams, but the conferment of recognition can give […]
I cannot impute the error to anyone else but myself. (他の誰かに誤りの原因を帰することはできませんが、私自身に帰せざるを得ません。) Let’s take […]
The taut rope held the heavy load securely in place. (張りつめたロープが重い荷物をしっかりと固定していた。) taut: 張りつめた、整然とした drab: くすんだ […]
The government should provide reparation to individuals who have suffered financial destitution due to unfair […]
We need at least twelve members to form a quorum for the meeting. After the meeting, let’s celebrate wit […]
I need to constantly challenge myself in order to avoid complacency and the monotony of mundane tasks. (自己満足や現 […]
I always feel sprightly when I am surrounded by nature, as it provides a sense of freedom and tranquility. How […]