カテゴリー: 未分類

I cannot repudiate the fact that employees deserve fair remuneration for their hard work. (従業員は、自分たちの努力に見合った適正 […]
Please enjoin all employees to review the updated roster by the end of the week. (従業員全員に週末までに更新された名簿を確認するよう命じて […]
The unexpected rain caused the discomfiture of the outdoor event, while the blight of a poor harvest loomed ov […]
The consummation of the project brought a tremulous sense of relief to the team. (プロジェクトの完成により、チームには不安定な安堵感がもた […]
The squalid living conditions in the city center are far from ideal. (都心のみすぼらしい生活環境は理想とは程遠い。) squalid: 汚らしい、みす […]
She is known for her laconic communication style, which some people find refreshing, while others find it off- […]
We need to mete out the limited resources to address the disparate needs of the community. (私たちは、コミュニティの異なるニーズ […]
It is expedient to use a map when exploring a new city; an intrepid traveler may choose to navigate without on […]
I saw two cats skirmish in the alley as I lurked behind a trash can. (私はゴミ箱の後ろに潜んでいると、路地で2匹の猫が小競り合いをしているのを見た。) […]
A surreptitious glance over the shoulder revealed that the boss was watching. (肩越しにこそこそと覗くと、上司が見ていることがわかった。) e […]