日: 2023年6月17日

We were able to aggregate all the sales data from each branch and exult over the fact that our profits have in […]
In order to prevent promiscuous sharing of confidential information, the company implemented a strict security […]
I squirm at the thought of making a rash decision. (私は軽率な判断をすることを考えるともじもじします。) squirm: もじもじする、もだえ苦しむ rash: 軽率な […]
I have an affinity for ulterior motives. (私には表に出ていない動機に対する相性がある。) ulterior: 表に出ない、遠い affinity: 相性、類似性
Under the auspices of the local government, our company will be organizing a charity event to raise funds for […]