日: 2023年7月5日

I crave a deeper level of rapport with my colleagues. (私は同僚とより深いレベルの関係を熱望しています。) crave: を熱望する rapport: (調和した)関 […]
I had a qualm about buying the spurious designer bag, but it was so convincingly made that I couldn’t re […]
I felt a sense of trepidation as I walked into the bleak and deserted building. (私は、荒涼とした廃墟に入ると同時に、恐怖を感じた。) tr […]
I was able to quit smoking thanks to the abstinence program under the auspices of the local health center. (地元 […]
I always feel a sense of unease when walking alone at night, as if something sinister is lurking in the shadow […]
The team experienced a rout in the final game which led to a dearth of confidence among the players. (チームは最終試合 […]