日: 2023年7月14日

The blight of a failed crop can be devastating for farmers, who have put in months of hard work and exertion. […]
I found a specious argument that claims replete knowledge is unnecessary. (私は、豊富な知識は不要だと主張する、うわべだけの議論を見つけました。) […]
I felt a tremulous excitement as I read the email, which seemed to implicate that I had won the lottery. (私はその […]
I always make sure to be scrupulous in my work and never impinge on the rights of others. (私は常に仕事において慎重さを持ち、他者 […]
A latent affliction can have a significant impact on a person’s life if left untreated. (潜在的な苦痛は、未治療のままで […]