His trust in her plummeted when he discovered her perfidy. (彼の彼女への信頼は、彼女の裏切りを知ったときに真っ逆さまに落ちた。) plummet: (真っ直ぐに […]
Our team meeting will adjourn at 5:00 PM. Despite the heated discussion, the stolid manager calmly brought the […]
I hope this opportunity doesn’t preclude me from expressing my ideas. (私のアイデアを表現することを妨げることがなければと思います。) H […]
We need to rescind the previous decision and muster all our resources to meet the deadline. (前の決定を無効にして、締め切りに間 […]
The key to success lies in finding innovative solutions that can elude disruption. (成功の鍵は、分裂をもたらすものを避けることができる革 […]
He tried to sell me a shoddy product, but I could tell it was shifty. (彼は安っぽい商品を売ろうとしたが、私はそれがずるいものだとわかった。) sho […]