My neighbor’s house is so squalid that it is an eyesore in the neighborhood, and it seems to be a sign o […]
I received a solicitous email from my boss regarding my upcoming presentation, which made me feel more confide […]
Tom is a precocious child who started speaking full sentences at the age of 2. (トムは、2歳の時に完全な文を話し始めた早熟な子供です。) p […]
I find it difficult to trust someone who is constantly fawning over others, as it shows a lack of authenticity […]
I have built a strong rapport with my colleagues, which has helped us work together effectively. (私は同僚たちと良好な関係 […]
I am averse to the defilement of natural habitats caused by pollution. (私は、汚染による自然環境の冒とくには反対です。) defilement: 冒 […]