日: 2023年7月29日

He was reticent about revealing his true intentions, but the upcoming showdown would force him to lay all his […]
I received a stipend for my research, but I cannot afford to waste time due to my indolence. (私は研究のために奨学金を受け取り […]
I have been hoarding money in order to make restitution for the damage I caused to their property. (私は彼らの財産に与え […]
It is common for people to obtrude their opinions onto others without being asked. (人々が頼まれていないのに他人に自分の意見を押し付ける […]
I need to update the roster to include the new team members. Once that’s done, we can savor the exciteme […]
I find intrinsic joy in helping others, and I feel proud but not smug about it. (私は他人を助けることに固有の喜びを見出し、それについて誇り […]