We should promulgate forensic evidence to ensure a fair trial. (公正な裁判を確保するために、我々は法廷で使用する証拠を公表すべきである。) promulga […]
I believe that it is unconscionable for companies to provide inadequate remuneration to their employees who wo […]
I was met with derisive laughter when I suggested that traditional paper books would experience a resurgent po […]
The bathroom in this hostel is absolutely squalid, with grimy walls and a foul smell. (このホステルのバスルームはまったくみすぼらしく […]
There is a paucity of extant research on the effects of this medication. (この薬の効果に関する現存する研究は不足している。) extant: 存在 […]
The use of excessive technology in the workplace can inhibit effective communication. (職場での過剰なテクノロジーの使用は、効果的なコ […]