日: 2023年8月28日

Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory for passengers in a car to ensure their safety and sobriety. (乗客の安全と落ち着きを保つために […]
I decided to waive my right to a refund and enjoin others from doing so. (私は返金の権利を放棄し、他の人にもそれをやめるように命じることに決めまし […]
I have received some objectionable comments about my work, but I consider them as an affliction that helps me […]
I am averse to the inception of this project. (私はこのプロジェクトの始まりに反対しています。) averse: 気が進まない、反対して inception: 初め
I don’t want to reproach you, but you always seem so grouchy in the morning. (あなたを責めるつもりはありませんが、いつも朝はとても […]
I had to improvise when my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. (どこにもない場所で車が故障したので、即席に対処しなければなりませんでした。) My […]