日: 2023年8月29日

I accidentally dropped a crumb on my shirt while eating. (私が食事をしている間に、うっかりシャツにくずを落としてしまった。) Please don’t […]
I hope that the upcoming meeting will be propitious and not lacerate our progress. (私は、今度の会議がうまくいき、私たちの進捗を傷つけな […]
I will receive a monthly stipend from the scholarship program to cover my living expenses during my overseas s […]
His mien suggested a deep rancor, but he spoke with a calm and measured tone. (彼の態度は深い悪意を示していたが、彼は穏やかで計り知れない口調 […]
The consummation of a successful project often requires the ability to palliate any issues or obstacles that m […]
The proper dress code is a constituent of a successful job interview. (適切な服装は成功する就職面接の構成要素です。) propriety: 礼儀正し […]