日: 2023年9月6日

I rely on my artistic skills as a means of subsistence, but I also enjoy engaging in banter with friends to li […]
I am averse to making important decisions without carefully considering the potential misgivings that may aris […]
The recalcitrant child was covered in a shroud of stubbornness. (抵抗する子供は頑固さの覆い隠しに包まれていた。) shroud: を覆い隠す recalc […]
I cannot believe that John, who was once a loyal employee, has become a renegade and violated the company̵ […]
I will substantiate my claim with evidence, rather than resorting to recrimination. (私は反論に訴えることなく、証拠で主張を実証します。 […]
Heavy precipitation can encumber transportation systems, causing delays and disruptions. (降水量が多いと、交通システムの動きを妨げ […]