The old house showed signs of dilapidation, with its crumbling walls and shifty floorboards. (その古い家は、崩れかけた壁やずれ […]
My precept is to live a life of profuse generosity. (私の格言は、物惜しみしない寛大な生活を送ることです。) precept: 命令書、令状、格言 profuse: 物 […]
The tension in the air was palpable, as the crowd grew restless and the noise became tumultuous. (空気には緊張感が漂ってい […]
I have a feud with my neighbor over a crumb of land on our property boundary. (私は、私たちの土地の境界のわずかな土地のくずをめぐって、隣人と […]
I apologize for my dilatory response, but let me explain this concept using an allegory. (手間取って返信が遅くなってしまい申し訳あ […]
I received a fraudulent email asking for financial assistance, but I ignored it because I suspected it was a s […]