I was mortified when I accidentally spilled coffee on my boss’s important documents, but my coworker imb […]
I cannot condone the lack of parity in the company’s salary structure. (私は、会社の給与体系における平等の欠如を許すことはできません。) […]
The blight caused by the invasive species has led to the appropriation of a significant portion of the budget […]
I approached the job interview with a sprightly attitude, determined to overcome any discomfiture and present […]
We need to establish a rigorous routine to replenish our energy and maintain productivity. (私たちは、エネルギーを補充し、生産性 […]
I was wary of the situation, but I faced it with fortitude. (私はその状況に慎重でしたが、不屈の精神で立ち向かった。) wary: 慎重な fortitude: […]