日: 2023年10月1日

I rescheduled the meeting to a later date because the original invitation was illegible. (元の招待状が読みにくかったため、ミーティ […]
“Always work hard and never give up, for diligence is the precept to success and laziness is the blight […]
I hope this guide provides you with a succinct explanation of the process and instills a sense of contrition f […]
I admire people with integrity, even if they are considered fugitives. (誠実な人々を尊敬します。たとえ彼らが逃亡者だとされても。) fugitive […]
The manager’s venal behavior was evident when he accepted a bribe in exchange for giving the contract to […]
I received a letter from my friend, but his handwriting was illegible. (私は友人から手紙を受け取ったが、彼の筆跡は読みにくかった。) Despite […]