日: 2023年10月7日

I had to learn how to wield a knife before I could start cooking. (料理を始める前に、ナイフの扱い方を学ばなければなりませんでした。) wield: を行 […]
I mustered the courage to ask my equivocal boss for a raise. (私は勇気を振り絞って、あいまいな上司に昇給を頼みました。) equivocal: あいまいな、不 […]
I would like to pay homage to my peer for their impeccable skills and dedication. (私は、仕事の技術力と献身に敬意を表したいと思います。) […]
I saw a haggard woman in the park, who seemed worried and solicitous about her lost dog. (公園でやつれた女性を見かけました。彼女は […]
She remained stolid, showing no emotion even in the face of adversity, as if all vestiges of her past had been […]
The vapid weather report left me feeling shifty about whether or not I should bring an umbrella. (味のない天気予報は、傘を […]