日: 2023年10月15日

I apologize for my transgressions during last night’s carousal. (昨夜の酒宴での私の過ちについて謝罪します。) transgress: (許容範 […]
Inception of a new project can sometimes lead to vacillating decisions. (新しいプロジェクトの始まりは、時々揺れるような意思決定につながることがあり […]
I noticed a surreptitious smile on her face as she told me an allegory about how hard work pays off. (彼女の顔にこそこ […]
I often reminisce about the old days, but I try not to let it inhibit me from enjoying the present. (私はよく昔のことを […]
The government deployed additional troops to suppress the insurgent movement, but the violence only escalated. […]
I am solicitous about your well-being and hope that this splinter in your finger does not cause any further di […]