日: 2023年10月23日

I need to find pertinent information about the new software before I can make a decision. (私は決定をする前に、新しいソフトウェア […]
I believe that intrinsic motivation is essential for personal growth, as it comes from within and allows indiv […]
Please stop being so impertinent, it’s really starting to tantalize me. (無礼な態度をやめてくれ、それは本当にじらす行為だ。) tant […]
I have a deep detestation for the dilapidation of public infrastructure. (公共インフラの荒廃には、私は深い憎悪を抱いています。) detestat […]
I had a premonition of the depletion of my energy, so I decided to take a break and recharge. (私はエネルギーの枯渇を予感し、 […]
The protective measures preclude the spread of viruses and obliterate the risks of infection. (ウイルスの拡散をはばみ、感染の […]