I always appreciate a facetious remark before starting a serious conversation because it acts as a precursor t […]
Expedite your learning by using allegories. (たとえ話を使って学習をはかどらせてください。) expedite: をはかどらせる allegory: たとえ話
I need to aggregate the sales data from all the stores in order to analyze our overall performance. However, t […]
I have conducted a forensic investigation to gather evidence for the plebiscite. (私は国民投票のための証拠を集めるために法廷の調査を行いま […]
Working in a monotonous office job can stultify even the most creative minds. (退屈なオフィスの仕事に従事することは、最も創造的な思考さえも退 […]
I entreat you to consider the plight of those facing destitution. (私はあなたに、貧困に直面している人々の状況を考慮するよう懇願します。) entreat […]