日: 2023年11月24日

The fear of punishment serves as a deterrent to potential criminals. (罰の恐怖は、潜在的な犯罪者に対する抑止力となります。) The weather […]
I will never renegate on my promise, for I believe in being true to my word. (私は自分の約束を裏切ることは絶対にしないだろう。なぜなら、言葉を […]
He is usually reticent about his past, but there is a vestige of his former life in his old photo album. (彼は普段 […]
I will waive the late fee on your account if you are able to pay the remaining balance by the end of the month […]
I made an inadvertent mistake in my report, and now the consequences are stark. (私はレポートでうっかりミスをしたが、今ではその結果がはっき […]