I took a hiatus from work last month, but now I’m back and fully committed to my job. (先月、仕事を一時中断しましたが、今 […]
I exposed the fraudulent scheme and expostulated the person responsible. (私は詐欺の計画を暴露し、責任ある人にいさめを述べました。) fraudu […]
I always try to follow the precept of not allowing extraneous information to distract me from my goal. (私は常に、目 […]
I would like to felicitate you on your recent success, as it is truly a veritable achievement. (最近の成功を祝いたいと思いま […]
I felt a sense of contrition as I looked down at the precipitous mountain path. (私は、険しい山道を見下ろすときに、悔悟の念を感じました。) […]
The doctor suggested that regular exercise can help improve muscle tone and prevent flaccid muscles. (医者は、定期的な […]