日: 2023年12月29日

I have always had a fascination with esoteric knowledge, and recently, I had a strong premonition that it woul […]
I exult in my recent promotion, knowing that it’s a reprisal for my hard work. (私は最近の昇進に大喜びしています。私の努力が報復 […]
I managed to purloin some ingenious tricks from the master magician. (私は、巧妙な手品師からいくつかの巧妙なトリックを盗み出しました。) purloi […]
I find comfort in the mundane routines of daily life, as they provide a sense of stability and familiarity. (日 […]
There has been a dearth of employees at the office due to the recent furloughs. (最近の休暇のため、オフィスには従業員が不足しています。) […]
We need to be prepared to improvise when unexpected problems arise, as they can be disruptive to our plans. (予 […]