日: 2024年1月4日

He flaunted his new car in front of his friends, despite the deferment of his dream vacation. (彼は友達の前で新しい車を誇示し […]
I would like to expound on a propitious method for improving productivity. (効率を向上させるための都合のよい方法について詳説したいと思います。) […]
I found a sleek and stylish new smartphone, but I can’t divulge the brand just yet. (私はつやつやでおしゃれな新しいスマート […]
He has a brash personality and always speaks with a querulous tone. (彼は無鉄砲な性格で、いつも不満っぽい口調で話す。) brash: 無鉄砲な、性急な […]
I don’t appreciate his servile attitude towards his superiors, but I understand the need for deferment o […]
I want to start this speech with an exhortation to all the employees. (私はこのスピーチを始める前に、訓戒を含む全ての従業員に勧告をすることが欲しい。 […]