日: 2024年1月6日

I had to improvise a solution to the problem, which ultimately belied my initial lack of preparation. (私は問題に対す […]
The presence of security guards at the entrance serves as a deterrent to potential thieves. (入り口にセキュリティーガードがいる […]
Excessive sugar consumption can debilitate the immune system and lead to various health issues. (過剰な糖分摂取は免疫システ […]
I hope to raise awareness about the negative effects of incarceration on mental health, as well as challenge t […]
The recent news article caused a ferment in the stock market. Many investors were worried about the depletion […]
I bought a pliable yoga mat as reparation for my old one that was damaged. (私は、壊れた古いヨガマットの賠償として、柔軟性のあるヨガマットを買い […]