日: 2024年1月8日

The new safety measures in place are intended to preclude any innocuous incidents. (新たに導入された安全対策は、どんな些細な事故も防ぐこ […]
The economic policies of the government led to the debacle of the stock market, causing widespread panic among […]
I always make sure to clean my jewelry regularly to prevent it from tarnishing. (私はいつも宝石を定期的に磨いて、退色させないようにしていま […]
He mustered the courage to confront the boorish customer. (彼は勇気を振り絞り、粗野な客に立ち向かった。) boorish: 粗野な muster: を集める、を […]
Under the auspices of our local community center, we are organizing a charity event to support homeless shelte […]
I proffered a fortuitous solution to our problem. (私は私たちの問題に偶然の解決策を提供した。) proffer: を提供する fortuitous: 偶然の、幸福な