I have always been intrigued by people who embrace the fringes of
society. It is fascinating to see how they navigate through life with
their unique perspectives and unconventional lifestyles. These
individuals often have ulterior motives that are not immediately
apparent to the average person. Whether it’s a desire for personal
freedom, a quest for spiritual enlightenment, or a need to challenge
societal norms, they are driven by something deeper. Their presence
and contributions add richness and diversity to our communities.
society. It is fascinating to see how they navigate through life with
their unique perspectives and unconventional lifestyles. These
individuals often have ulterior motives that are not immediately
apparent to the average person. Whether it’s a desire for personal
freedom, a quest for spiritual enlightenment, or a need to challenge
societal norms, they are driven by something deeper. Their presence
and contributions add richness and diversity to our communities.
fringe: 非主流派、ふさ飾り、周辺
ulterior: 表に出ない、遠い