
I took a hiatus from work and went on a trip to recharge myself.
During my hiatus, I had time to reflect on my career and set new goals
for the future. (中断中に、私はキャリアについて考える時間があり、将来の新しい目標を立てることができました。)
Now that I am back at work, I feel refreshed and motivated to achieve
those goals. (仕事に戻った今、私はリフレッシュされ、それらの目標を達成するためにやる気が湧いています。)
My colleagues were curious about my hiatus and asked me about my
experience during the trip. (私の同僚たちは私の中断について興味津々で、旅行中の経験について尋ねてきました。)
I shared my stories with them and listened to their rejoinders, which
sparked interesting conversations.

hiatus: 中断、すき間
rejoinder: 返答




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