I was mired in a difficult situation, but with her incisive advice, I was able to find a way out. (私は困難な状況に陥って […]
The dark clouds shroud the sky, casting a shadow over the bustling city. (暗い雲が空を覆い隠し、賑やかな街に影を落としている。) The long […]
I was engrossed in reading a book that provided an aggregate of useful tips for effective time management. (私は […]
I always try to ingrain a blithe atmosphere in my workplace. (私は常に職場に陽気な雰囲気を染み込ませようと努めています。) ingrain: を染み込ませる […]
I had a haggard look on my face, a premonition that something bad was about to happen. (私の顔にはやつれた表情があり、何か悪いことが […]
The raucous laughter echoed through the room as we gathered around the table, filled with excitement and antic […]
I was offered a sinecure at the company, but I declined it because I felt that the work would be inimical to m […]
I recently moved to a new city and was surprised to learn about the endemic diseases that people in the area o […]
I have always been intrigued by people who embrace the fringes of society. It is fascinating to see how they n […]
I apologized to my friend with contrition for the spurious rumors that I had spread. (私は友人に、私が広めた見せかけの噂に対して悔悟の […]