Unveil Linguistic Excellence: Your Next English Achievement Awaits!

She approached her work with a sense of complacency, believing that she was already at the top of her field. ( […]
His depraved behavior perturbs those around him. (彼の堕落した行動は周りの人々を混乱させる。) perturb: を混乱させる depraved: 堕落した
The chef’s culinary skills received adulation from food critics, while the tantalizing aroma of his dish […]
By analyzing the data, we can make inferences about the latent factors affecting the outcome. (データを分析することで、結果に […]
Don’t fret over small mistakes, just ingrain the correct way of doing things into your routine. (些細な間違いを […]
I can’t condone leaving your dog outside in the cold, so make sure to create a snug shelter for him. (私は […]
I try to maintain sobriety in my actions at work, avoiding any chance of impropriety. (私は職場での行動において、impropriet […]
There is a rabid demand for toilet paper due to the dearth of supplies. (トイレットペーパーの供給不足により、熱狂的な需要があります。) rabid […]
The recent election was marred by venal practices and tumultuous debates. (最近の選挙は贈賄行為と騒然とした議論で台無しになった。) venal: […]
It is important to palliate the symptoms of the disease before they worsen, as an overture to a more serious h […]