投稿者: 管理人

I had a fortuitous encounter with my old friend yesterday, which led to an unexpected recrimination about a mi […]
He used specious arguments to convince the jury, but his sleazy behavior in the courtroom revealed his true ch […]
I was so impressed by her effrontery when she improvised an entire speech on the spot. (彼女が即興でスピーチを作り上げるという彼女の […]
He was often criticized for his brash behavior, but his confidence and fearlessness allowed him to overcome an […]
The promiscuous distribution of resources among the team members is unconscionable. (チームメンバー間での手当たり次第なリソースの配分は […]
We should not forbear from acknowledging our mistakes, but instead palliate them by taking responsibility and […]
Our team proceeded with the meeting, ensuring that we had a quorum in order to make any decisions. Despite ini […]
I try not to fret about the small things in life and instead focus on being organized and neat. (人生の些細なことでいらだつ […]
The boring lecture stultified the students, but the engrossing presentation on a new technology captivated the […]
It is important for parents to teach their children about personal safety to protect them from potential harm. […]