カテゴリー: 未分類

The impact of climate change on our planet is palpable, and the upshot of our inaction will be devastating. (地 […]
I kindly ask you to forbear from interrupting me during this meeting in order to expedite the decision-making […]
I have appointed a deputation to discuss the issue with the stakeholders. (私は関係者と問題を話し合うために代表団を任命しました。) It is […]
He decided to take off his venerable old watch and wear the new smartwatch he bought impulsively, but soon reg […]
I proffered him a solution to the blight that was affecting his crops. (私は彼に、彼の作物に影響を与えていた枯渇に対する解決策を提案しました。) b […]
I need to declutter my desk because it is encumbered with unnecessary items, making it difficult for me to fin […]
I had to improvise a solution when my computer crashed during an important presentation. (大切なプレゼン中にコンピュータがクラッシ […]
I had a presentiment that something bad was going to happen, but my friend’s comforting words assuaged m […]
I rely on my artistic skills as a means of subsistence, but I also enjoy engaging in banter with friends to li […]
I am averse to making important decisions without carefully considering the potential misgivings that may aris […]