カテゴリー: 未分類

I will waive the late fee on your account if you are able to pay the remaining balance by the end of the month […]
I made an inadvertent mistake in my report, and now the consequences are stark. (私はレポートでうっかりミスをしたが、今ではその結果がはっき […]
The sudden decrease in sales is a harbinger of economic recession, and the company has decided to revoke its p […]
I apologize for any impropriety in my previous email. (前のメールで起きた不当な点につき、お詫び申し上げます。) Please prostrate yourself […]
I recently received the conferment of a prestigious award for my contributions to the field of medical researc […]
I am solicitous about my personal belongings when I travel because I fear someone might purloin them. (私は旅行すると […]
I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, but my querulous nature often leads me to be dissatisfied with wh […]
He was so inept at cooking that he accidentally set the kitchen on fire while trying to flaunt his culinary sk […]
I often ruminate on my past experiences, and I have come to realize that being stolid in the face of adversity […]
I need to find a way to expedite this process and obliterate any unnecessary steps. (私はこのプロセスを早める方法を見つけ、不必要な手順 […]