日: 2023年7月11日

My company offers a stipend to new employees for their ongoing professional development, which helps them enha […]
I planted perennial flowers in my garden to supplant the annual ones. (私は庭に持続的な花を植えました。これは年1回咲く花に取って代わるためです。) […]
I always have a presentiment about the quality of a product when a company claims to be scrupulous in its manu […]
I had to forbear from complaining about the delay and instead improvised a solution to the problem. (私は遅延について文 […]
The subversive group planned to spread their ideas through covert means, hoping to undermine the existing soci […]
I could not help but notice the derisive tone in her voice as she commented on his derangement. (彼女が彼の精神錯乱について […]